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The Tent of Promise

Everything changes from now!

You have just made the most important decision of your life!

You have invited Jesus Christ to become your personal Lord and your Saviour. Now you belong to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ belongs to you!

He will be your Provider, your Protector, your Healer and your Master.


Born Again

The bibles calls you now a 'new creation'. You are brand new. The old life has gone and today your start your new life (2 Cor 5:17). God has given you a new heart. You now belong to a new family, as a cherished son or daughter of the King, our Heavenly Father (John 5:24), and the life you have inherited is eternal. For it is the abundant life of Christ, and it is your now! (John 17:3). He died so you can have maximum life, both now and forever (John 10:10) and the plans of the devil in your life can now be destroyed (1 John 3:8).

3 things you need to know...


Yes! You are completely forgiven as if you never sinned to begin with!

Jesus Christ covers you with His own righteousness (right standing with God) and your are now free of your past sins.


God the Father has now adopted you because of your faith in Jesus Christ. You are now a part of the family of God and He will never let you down or turn away from you.


From this moment forward, you are in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. He wants you to know Him personally in every area of your life. He wants you and died so you could know Him.


Saved me?

Yes. Yes you can be certain! The scriptures tell us that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is our Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, then we will be saved (Romans 10:9).

Sometimes when we get given something we don't feel we deserve or don't fully understand, it can be hard to believe. 

Well, you didn't deserve this free gift of being saved, but Jesus Christ still gives you the opportunity anyway. Freely. Without strings. Without anything you need to do. 

Simply confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead... and Salvation is yours through Jesus Christ. Just believe, that is faith and that pleases God the Father (Heb 11;6). 

Trust that what Jesus says is true -"I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life." (John 6:47).

You know you have taken an important step, but you probably have lots of questions and wonder what it all means?

Would you like to confirm your Salvation in Jesus Christ now?

Would you like to confirm your belief and surrender to Jesus Christ now? Speak the below out loud and mean it with your heart.

"Father, thank you for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to Earth to show me the way back to You. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for me; I thank You that You died to pay for my sin, and that You rose from the dead to give me Eternal Life. Today I turn to You and place my trust in You to save me from my sin, to deliver me from satan and give me an inheritance in Your Kingdom of Heaven. Please come into my life and help me. Be my Saviour and Lord. I ask you to give me the Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, to empower me for a successful Christian life. 
In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen."

'Together faith'

Did you know originally they did not call themselves 'Christians' in the Bible? That's right, they called themselves 'followers of the way'. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." (John 14:6)

As Christians, God calls us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. So did He go to Church?

There were no Churches in Jesus' time, they came after He went to heaven and the disciples, then called apostles, started the Church. But Jesus did go to public places of worship. They worshiped God the Father together with other believers. It is an essential part of being a Christian.

Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the body of believers (the Church) is His body and bride who He is returning for (Eph 5:22-33). So to say, 'I want to be a Christian, but I don't want to belong to a Church' is like saying to your spouse 'I love you, but I don't love your body'. 

By new birth you have entered the family of God and belong to the 'Household of faith' (Galatians 6:10). This is good news, because it means belonging to a group of people, not a building or institution.


The Church is filled with people who are also on a journey of faith. Some further along than others. Be aware, Jesus said that things that cause people to stumble and offences will come your way. The Church is a body of people who are becoming more Christ-like by the day. It is not a body of perfect people. That's good news, because it means we all fit in!

What next?

Church, water baptism, baptism in the Holy Spirit, deliverance and healing.

Does the order of these things matter? No! 

The Holy Spirit may baptise you in power before you are water baptised. 

You may be water baptised before you find a Church... any order is possible. 

The one thing you cannot be though, is filled with the Holy Spirit without being born again.

One thing to remember with God, He is not into cookie-cutter shaped lives. 

He created you unique and His relationship with you will be unique. 

It's all okay.

The Word & Prayer
Water Baptism
Holy Spirit Baptism

Get into Church

Just try it. You may want to try a few until you find a local Bible-believing, spirit-filled Church that you have peace in attending. Some are youthful, some are traditional and some are family focused. Then commit to attending every week, and connect with midweek groups who meet in homes. Most Churches have these available.

Why are there so many Churches to choose from? 
Denomination is a man-made way of dividing the body of Christ by religious doctrines. It never was part of God's design for the Church. However, the book of Revelation shows us that Jesus Christ who is the head of the Church, sees the combined Church for each town, no matter what building they meet in. So, the important thing in choosing a Church is to ask yourself, do they believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God and is the Holy Spirit welcome?
The Word & Prayer

The Bible & prayer

It's really important for our body to be healthy that we put in good and nutritious foods. 'You are what we eat' is very true for our spirit too. Jesus Christ said “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry" (John 6:35).

The Bible is the best place to learn who God our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are to us and who you are. The Bible is literally having God talk to you every time you read.

Why read the Bible?
When we read the Bible, it is literally reading the living words of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

When we ask question like 'What is God's will for my life?' the answer can always be found in His Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit will help you to understand, remember and apply what you learn from the Bible into your life. "But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you." (John 14:26).

There are lots of good Bible reading plans available online where you will read through the whole Bible.

But which Bible?
Bible versions vary a lot. Remember the Bible is actually written in Hebrew, Greek and a little Aramaic. All English written Bibles are a translation. Typically, King James of New King James tend to be the more accurate translations. Easier reading Bibles may be an easier starting place. Bibles are available at most Christian book shops such as Koorong or Word within Australia. Free Bible apps are also available on both the Apple Store and the Google Play store. There are also free study apps such as the Blue Letter Bible website and app which will help you understand a word or scripture in more depth.

What's the go with prayer? 
Being a follower of Jesus Christ is about our relationship with Him. Our God is a family God and we are now His Children. He wants to speak with us and have us speak with Him. He wants us to come to Him, ask Him for things we need (John 14:13-14), tell Him our concerns (Mat 11:28) and to pray for others (James 5:16). Prayer is a two way conversation; be prepared to talk as much as you are prepared to listen during prayer.

Jesus gave us a template for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, commonly known as the Lord's prayer and is a good place to start and an important framework to remember.

The gift of tongues as a prayer language is another powerful method of prayer, particularly when you don't know what to pray.
Water Baptism

Water Baptism

 A Christian is someone who follows Jesus – thinks like Jesus, talks like Jesus and acts like Jesus. Jesus was baptized so anyone who truly wants to follow him will be baptized like Jesus. (Matthew 3:13-17). Baptism is not child christening, child dedication or confirmation. 

What is water baptism?

Baptism is the full emersion in water of a believer in Jesus Christ who is sorry for their sin, trusts Jesus as their Savior, and is ready to submit to Jesus as their Lord (He is now in the drivers seat of your life). 

"When we were baptized into his death, we were placed into the tomb with him. As Christ was brought back from death to life by the glorious power of the Father, so we, too, should live a new kind of life. If we’ve become united with him in a death like his, certainly we will also be united with him when we come back to life as he did. We know that the person we used to be was crucified with him to put an end to sin in our bodies. Because of this we are no longer slaves to sin." (Romans 6:4-6)

The disciples baptised people and so did John, the cousin of Jesus, who actually baptised Jesus himself. Based on the Bible's example, any believer in Jesus Christ can baptise someone in any body of water. 

"Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:38

Holy Spirit Baptism

Baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire

The Holy Spirit comes into our life to give us the faith to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ came to His disciples after His resurrection and breathed on them saying "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). This is the Holy Spirit within for salvation and growth. He helps your character grow more Christ-like daily when we submit to His instruction.

But there is also a second experience of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus described. The Holy Spirit upon.

Before He ascended to heaven, Jesus said "And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven." (Luke 24:49) He then tells us why as the last thing he says before going "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

This is the power. The enabling to do what He created you to do; to fulfill your call and be His witness.  Plus He comes with His gifts for your life that you will need to be successful and victorious and 

This first happened when the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The Holy Spirit filled the 120 believers praying in the upper room with His power. Acts 2:2-4 "That day the first Church started and "Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day." Acts 2:41

How do I receive the Holy Spirit baptism?

Jesus said "Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said: 'Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.'" (John 7:38)

    1. Be thirsty and want to receive because you know you want more of Him in your life.
    2. Come to Jesus Christ as He is the baptiser in the Holy Spirit.
    3. Drink! Open your spirit to receive the Spirit of God that Jesus Christ will pour into you. Simplest way, breath in. 
    4. Release the outflow of the Holy Spirit you have just received in the form of speech that wells up within your innermost being. It will not be a language you know, it is His language. 

How do you know you have received? Because if you ask for the right thing from the Father, you will never get the wrong thing (Luke 11:13).

Believe by faith when you have asked, that you have also received. God does not lie, He will give the Holy Spirit to all who ask for Him (Luke 11:13). Now with the Holy Spirit comes the evidence of boldness and talking in tongues. Open you mouth, worship the Father and let the Holy Spirit swell up within you and speak with His new language, the language of men and angels (1 Cor 13:1). This is a powerful gift, praying the perfect will of the Father in every area of your life. When you don't know what to pray, pray in tongues - it is the Holy Spirit praying God's perfect prayers for you! No wonder the devil has fought so hard against this gift. "For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him ; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries." 1 Cor 14:2.


For freedom Christ has set you free

We have a very real enemy; Satan. He was first Gods enemy and hates everything God loves. Especially humanity. Jesus came to destroy the devils work in our lives." The Son of God came for this: to destroy the devil’s work." (1 John 3:8)

There are things in our life that steal from us, destroy us, even kill us. These are not Gods plan for our lives. But the good news of Jesus Christ's victory at the cross is that Satan's work in our lives can now be stopped. This is the work of deliverance. Sometimes, deep rooted issues are the plant of the enemy to rob, kill and destroy us. But Jesus Christ came that we might have life, and to have it to the fullest (John 10:10). Amazingly, around one third of the people Jesus helped, he expelled a demon as part of His ministry to them.

Just like salvation, both healing and deliverance become available to us through the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The same faith that is needed to receive salvation is the same faith we need to also receive healing and deliverance. 

How do I know if I need deliverance?

Like when you are sick, you need healing, when you are suffering spiritually, you may need deliverance.

There are many tell tale signs of the devil's plan working in your life. The most common are torment (see 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 John 4:18), compulsion (see Luke 8:29), oppression (see Acts 10:38), enticement (see James 1:14), deception (see 1 Tim. 4:1–2), enslaving (see Romans 8:15), defile (see Titus 1:15). A great distinctive mark of demon activity is restlessness.

Demons fight against peace in our lives. They adversely affect inner personal harmony, take away peace of mind, affect our physical well-being, create turmoil in relationships with other people especially those closest to us, and anxious responses to external circumstances. 

Demons operate from two opposite positions. Firstly from outside the body and secondly from within the body. 

If they operate from outside, we must resist them (see James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8–9). If they operate from within, we must expel them (see Matt. 8:16; Mark 1:39).

How does deliverance help?

With the removal of the demonic, people are free to develop new and Godly mindsets, behaviours and actions. This is why Paul encouraged the Church in Ephesus to "not give the devil a foothold" (Eph 5:27). 

When you get free - live so as to stay free. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1.

Deliverance from the enemy should be a normal part of our life. In Matthew 12:28 Jesus Himself described deliverance as the open clash of two spiritual kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. 


Jesus the healer

Jesus healed people constantly whilst He was ministering for the 3.5 years.  And the good news is the healing ministry of Jesus Christ still continues today. "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." (Mat 4:23)

Before Jesus ascended into heaven He gave the instruction to all believers to continue His work, with no time limit applied. "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:17-18)

Now we, as believers, walk as Jesus did. 

He said this is who we are and what we are to do and can do through Him and His work on the cross.

The Apostle Peter taught the Church this same thing, that healing is available to them now because of the Cross of Jesus Christ and what He went through for us. "Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you were healed." (1 Peter 2:24)

How healing comes.

There are different ways healing comes through the Holy Spirit. Most commonly healing comes as a miracle through a believer, by the prayer of faith, by the anointing of oil or by deliverance. Like all things we receive from God, it is by faith.