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  • Open the door for the Gospel

    Like the Holy Spirit, we come where we are invited.
    Invite the Tent of Promise today and open the door for the Gospel in your town.

It's time for Australia!

It's time to re-seed Australia with the Word of God... and bring Holy Spirit revival to the hearts of His people!  To reap the Lord's Harvest, His seed must first be planted and watered.

Essentially, the Church/yourself can undertake as much or as little in the planning and outreach. We would love to say that every Church in a town will come on board, but this tends to be the exception more than the rule. It just takes a Church, a ministry, to have a heart to see souls saved in their town for us to come and work with you. There is the unity!

The more active the role of the Church and the more ownership you take for reaching your community, the larger and more powerful we tend to see the outreach being. The Spirit of the Lord loves when we come together in unity and step out in boldness and intent to proclaim Jesus Christ in the public space and bring His Kingdom in demonstration.

More rapidly then ever, countless Churches across the towns of this nation have been closing and many people have lost the opportunity to know Jesus. This is the calling of the Tent of Promise for the past 29 years. Preaching and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ all around Australia. 

Australia, the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit is the prophetic reality for this nation.

  • Inter-denominational
  • Bible-based
  • Spirit filled and led
  • Work with all bible believing Christian ministries & Churches
  • Trained evangelists
  • Trained ministers in all areas
  • Preaching, teaching, healing & deliverance
  • SOWER Conferences
  • Faith filled and Word based

Invite the Tent of Promise to Your Town

We are a Kingdom of God Ministry. As such, the Tent of Promise comes at the invitation of a Church (no matter the size), combined Churches or at the invitation of organised Christian events or Ministries. The Living Water will bring refreshing to your Church & community as we see the Holy Spirit break out across Australia. 


We also minister through street evangelism, evening crusade outreaches with faith-filled preaching, puppet ministry, ministry of the Holy Spirit in healing, deliverance and the prophetic, SOWER (School of World Evangelism and Renewal) & we minister through powerful evangelism & biblical training for the Church to see them catch the fire of the Holy Spirit for their own walk, and ignite passion to reach their own town. 


At the heart of our ministry, we present the Gospel one-on-one using our 30 metre long Bible Panorama from Genesis to Revelation. The Word of God is always taught and preached by the Tent of Promise. Our team members undergo regular training times and many of our team have worked in the field of evangelism and Church ministry for many years. If the Word of God says it, we believe it and act on it.


Our Evangelistic approach is personal and Holy Spirit led. Whilst we do hold larger crusades and public alter calls with strong evangelistic purpose and anointing, most of our evangelism that sees lasting fruit occurs in the Bible Panorama with our trained ministers, working in the Holy Spirit gifts and calls, sharing of Jesus. 

Our meeting tent is about people encountering Jesus Christ, the Living Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not about an event, an experience or a concert. We do not have an audience to entertain, we have many people individually drawn by the Holy Spirit to encounter Him, Jesus Christ, in Spirit and Truth through worship, testimony, the preaching of the Word and ministry in the Holy Spirit.


The felt and fabric preachers are particularly effective at festivals. Our ministers use the puppets to create a fun and light-hearted environment, and point the way to our bible panorama, where our team share the great gospel with song too all those who come along. 


"This one page overview is an excellent way to introduce the format of a Tent of Promise Outreach to Ministries and Churches."

What does the Tent of Promise Do?

Evangelistic Church Outreach
Church Revival & Equipping
Community Event Outreach
Evangelistic Church Outreach

Supporting the Local Church to Reach their Community

When the Tent of Promise comes to your town, we evangelize directly and give evangelistic support to your Church; equipping the Church to step up and step out, and we do the work with you. Our heart's desire is to see the Gospel reach those who are lost and see God's Kingdom continuously growing across the nation of Australia.

We can set up on Church grounds, private grounds or local parks (with council permission) in a 15m x 15m space for the Panorama only, or additional 16m x 16m or 16m x 22m for the meeting tent.

Many people find it difficult to share their faith, but it's amazing how God is there to work with us when we do! The Tent of Promise is an excellent tool to create an atmosphere of the Church in the public square in any size town.

There is nothing in the world that is closer to the heart of God than seeing the lost and perishing be given an opportunity to receive eternal salvation. That is, after all, the very reason why Jesus came!
Church Revival & Equipping

Church Revival & Equipping

Invite the Tent of Promise team to your fellowship to share empowered teaching and encouragement for your church to reach the lost in their own community. The fire of the Holy Spirit is breaking out across the Great Southland of Australia.

With a lifetime of practical ministry in the church, field and streets, our team come well equipped and full of faith. Whether it be to work in with your events and drive to reach your community or to shake out the cobwebs and get the body moving, the Tent team is ready. 

Our forward team led by David & Kristen will come to your Church ministering the Word of God in power, imparting faith to believe and receive the promises of God and propelling the body into their purposes. Our team also has a strong anointing to ignite the hearts of the Church with a passion to step up and step out of the building to reach the lost. 

We can minister the Bible Panorama to the Church, bringing Revival to this Nation. It is the Church who carry the Holy Spirit so it will be the Church who will see the prophesied carriers of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Revival to Australia.

Community Event Outreach

Community Events & Evangelism

Using our 30 meter Bible Panorama from Genesis to Revelation,  it allows our team of ministers to share the gospel personally with people. This is great in community events, Church events and programs such as Gospel music festivals.

The Panorama gives us an intimate way to share God's love, and we have found that the Holy Spirit leads the minister to speak directly into the needs of the individual, with the gifts of the Spirit flowing.

The preaching of the Gospel in conjunction with the panorama has seen tens of thousands of people  give their lives to Christ, right across Australia.