Welcome to the Tent of Promise
Evangelism & the Bible Panorama

The Tent of Promise is a Not-for-profit Association of like-minded Christians from many Church backgrounds. We work together sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a Spirit of Unity as it is there that the Lord commands the blessing.
The Tent of Promise commenced in 1994, and has missioned across every state of Australia and overseas, teaching the Word of God using our 30 meter long unique Bible Panorama artwork. It's a Bible Revival to this nation!
The Panorama is based on biblical history and prophetic record of God's plan of salvation for mankind, from Genesis to Revelation. It is non-denominational and brings the plan of God’s salvation to all people in a non-threatening and loving manner. Our team guide people through the scripture picture, highlighting the message of life given, life rejected, life offered again... your choice.
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. The Gospel is a message of new creations and transformation. The Kingdom of God always comes with demonstration of the power of God.
Like Paul, we are all things to all men, that we may win some.
To the lost, we bring the Good News of salvation. To the sick and broken, healing. To the spiritually blind, revelation. To the struggling, faith to believe and receive the promises of God. To the new believer, solid Word foundation. To the powerless, the Holy Spirit.
This list is endless as the Panorama is a ministry of the Holy Spirit and He points to Jesus Christ and touches all people exactly where they are and brings them up to where they ought to be.
The Ministry to the Body of Christ

The Tent of Promise has ministered in every state across this nation and has held more than 294 crusades in Australian towns. We carry apostolic, evangelistic, teaching, pastoral and prophetic graces to build up believers for the work of the ministry.
There is a strong anointing on the Tent of Promise to impart faith to believe and receive the promises of God. His promises for all areas of life are for all His children to walk in now, and eternally.
Our ministry also has an African Church and outreach arm, seeing tens of thousands come to Christ across 15 nations with over 400 Churches in the Promise Faith Centre Churches network, overseen by our ministry oversight.
School of World Evangelism & Revival

The School of World Evangelism and Revival (S.O.W.E.R) intensive program is a one, two or three day intensive run by the Tent of Promise for the local Churches and Ministries in a region.
There is a strong anointing to release ministry calls and the gifts of God within His body. Whether equipping in Church evangelism training, releasing spiritual gifts, prophetic word, providing a platform for practical ministry experience, bringing personal revival, imparting the things of the Spirit of God, or teaching or preaching the biblical Word of God, the Tent of Promise team comes with many gifts for the body of Christ.
There is no cost for attendance, and we do invite partnership and gifts.
Invite the
Tent of Promise

The Tent of Promise comes to undergird the local Church or Ministry, to help you reach your own community & build up the local Church in the call and gifts, seeing fruit remain in the Kingdom of God.
Our format is flexible and extensively purposed to see souls saved and lift the Body of Christ. We collaborate (co-labour) with the local Church. Combined Ministry/Church outreaches or outreaches during festivals and events are particularly fruitful in our experience.
We come by invitation. Whilst there are times when God sends us to a town where He has a specific mission for us, most times we come through an open door by a Church,
multiple Churches, or Ministries. We work with all Bible-believing denominations, big or small.
There is no 'hire' fee of costs. We are a faith ministry that works by partnership. We all live by faith meaning we can preach true living by faith. We organise the full crusade, bring the team, equipment and the dunamis power of God! Your Church can co-labour with as much input into the Crusade as able.